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25. Feb. 2025
Every well-run contact center monitors these three metrics carefully. But what do they actually mean? How you measure and improve them? And how do you make sure that you don’t compromise other KPIs while focusing on these three?
17. Juli 2024
79% of British adults are reporting they feel stressed at least once per month with nearly half of UK workers being close to burnout, up by 48% year-on-year. In the webinar, we explored how to create a culture where productivity and wellbeing thrive together.
9. Mai 2024
In the rapidly evolving landscape of contact centers, grasping the complexities of Workforce Management (WFM) is increasingly important. We invite you to watch the weWFM Webinar: WFM Industry Landscape, an enlightening session that will explore the most recent trends, challenges, and opportunities in the WFM field.
21. März 2024
Scheduling is where most of the magic happens in WFM. But there are lots of moving parts in scheduling. And contact centres are facing raised employee expectations for things like self-scheduling, flexible working and shorter working weeks.
7. März 2024
27. Feb. 2024
Watch this webinar series to navigate the essentials of the WFM cycle with industry experts. Learn how Peopleware simplifies every phase - from forecasting to scheduling and intraday management - empowering you to drive both business results and employee well-being.
7. Dez. 2023
Watch this webinar series to navigate the essentials of the WFM cycle with industry experts. Learn how Peopleware simplifies every phase - from forecasting to scheduling and intraday management - empowering you to drive both business results and employee well-being.
23. Nov. 2023
22. Nov. 2023
Watch this webinar series to navigate the essentials of the WFM cycle with industry experts. Learn how Peopleware simplifies every phase - from forecasting to scheduling and intraday management - empowering you to drive both business results and employee well-being.
9. Nov. 2023
Watch Jonathan O'Connor of Tructyre, Steve Miller of Benenden Health and Tim Milburn of emovis as they reveal the hacks, tips and best practices that helped take them to the top of their game.
2. Nov. 2023
Watch this webinar series to navigate the essentials of the WFM cycle with industry experts. Learn how Peopleware simplifies every phase - from forecasting to scheduling and intraday management - empowering you to drive both business results and employee well-being.
12. Okt. 2023
Contact Center stehen am Scheideweg: Die Erwartungen der Kunden steigen, während Fachkräftemangel und steigende Löhne den Druck auf die Branche erhöhen. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) nimmt bei der Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen sowie für die Zukunftssicherung von Contact Centern eine Schlüsselrolle ein.
26. Sept. 2023
24. Aug. 2023
This live demo will reveal how a modern WFM application can take your planning outcomes to the next level while reducing manual effort.
5. Juli 2023
Learn how WFM that is tightly integrated with CRM enables you to maximize efficiency while focusing on what matters most: your CX and your EX.
23. Mai 2023
By combining workforce management (WFM) and quality assurance (QA) solutions, you can quickly identify and address complex issues leading to improved customer satisfaction and reduced operational costs.
19. Apr. 2023
Learn how the latest customer service and workforce management tech lets you optimize customer experience, employee engagement and business efficiency.
15. März 2023
Learn how BPOs deliver on SLAs, optimize customer service, reduce turnover and control costs from 3 veterans of the outsourcing industry.
19. Dez. 2021
In this webinar, WFM consultant Steve Chaplin of Peopleware will reveal proven methods for long-range forecasting and capacity planning.
16. Nov. 2021
What you will learn:
The most important KPIs
How to choose the right level of detail
The dos and dont's of data visualization
27. Mai 2021
Join Dean Couchman and John Wade, two super-experienced WFM practitioners from Peopleware, as they reveal some hot tips that work. If you’re responsible for scheduling in a contact center and you want to deliver your best-ever schedules, this webinar is a must-attend.
27. Apr. 2021
To create long-term success in workforce planning, you need a thoughtful and methodical labor strategy. Join John Frehse of Ankura as he reveals trade secrets that will help you build your strategy.
23. März 2021
In this webinar, industry experts will reveal insights from the Winter 2020/21 survey of Society of Workforce Planning Professionals (SWPP) members.
23. Feb. 2021
Join us as we share some ‘real-time’ wisdom on how to take the chaos out of real-time management in your center. We’ll reveal the gotchas of real-time and give some sage advice on how to create a ‘Plan to React’.
27. Jan. 2021
To WFM insiders, the benefits of professional WFM software are so obvious that they don’t need explaining. Unfortunately, the business case is often not so transparent to those who are responsible for signing off the expenditure. Industry expert Charles Watson of Innovative Workforce Solutions, together with Adeel Rahman, Contact Center Director at MVF, will reveal the anatomy of an irresistible business case for WFM software in the webinar.
9. Dez. 2022
Forecasting is the foundation of WFM and the first step in resource planning. Learn how to select and apply the right techniques for your business.
19. Nov. 2020
This is the last session in our 4-part webinar series on the "Evolution of Contact Center Planning". Are you tired of Excel spreadsheets and all the limitations that may come with them in contact center planning? Are you ready to take workforce planning to a whole new level with a professional WFM tool? Then this webinar is for you!
24. Sept. 2020
This webinar is the third part of our series 'Evolution of Contact Center Planning'. Have you been wondering whether your beloved Excel sheet can co-exist next to a WFM tool? Or are you uncertain about when and why you need a WFM solution to complement or replace your spreadsheet? We'll be addressing these and further questions in this webinar.
10. Sept. 2020
This webinar is the second part of our series 'Evolution of Contact Center Planning'. Are you struggling with the limitations of spreadsheet-based planning? Are you noticing symptoms that indicate you've reached the boundaries of Excel in Contact Center planning?
27. Aug. 2020
Do you use spreadsheets in workforce planning? Then this webinar is for you! Together with resource planning experts, we will talk about best practices and useful Excel hacks that make a resource planner's life easier.
13. Aug. 2020
In this webinar hosted by Peopleware and Fonolo, discover innovative service level management techniques, experiences and best practice from top performing contact center professionals and industry experts.
28. Feb. 2019
What you will learn:
The customer's perception of the contact center
Who is responsible for professional development
The prevalent contact center skill sets and roles
The impact of employee engagement on customer service
23. Juni 2017
Learn a practical approach today to adapt your workforce management strategies to all channels. Plan for the future with the ability to deliver for integrated contacts.
15. Juni 2017
And develop 'bench strength' from within Operations
2. März 2017
A case study based webinar.
1. Dez. 2016
In this webinar, Chris Dealy talks to Charles Watson about a range of innovative scheduling and intraday management techniques. Charles will reveal some little-known ways to optimize the balance between the preferences of your agents, the quality of the customer experience and the commercial imperative constantly to do more with less.
13. Sept. 2016
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