
Rethinking Contact Center Training



AI offers disruptive possibilities for improving productivity. But there will never, ever be a substitute for human-to-human interaction in customer service. In this eBook, we present 13 contact center training strategies tailored for today’s reality in contact centers. We explore the shift in mindset from traditional approaches to a more agile and forward-thinking methodology.


Key Concepts
Do you know what The Forgetting Curve is? What about the link between training and staff turnover? What does continuous learning entail? And what is the role of corporate culture in the contact center?All is revealed.
Innovative Solutions
Learn about Universal Design for Learning and Learning Journeys. Find how Microlearning can be a game changer. Are you using customer service simulation? Hint: it’s not about role-playing. And read about the ‘No ‘nos’ allowed’ game - it helps agents transform difficult conversations into win-wins.
Actionable Advice
The eBook contains straightforward advice that you can put to work straight away: How to measure the need for training. How to measure the effectiveness of training. How to make learning fun. And how to incentivize learning. Pick up proven tips that take your agents to the next level.