On-Demand Webinar
Adapt your forecast to channels beyond voice.
Learn a practical approach today to adapt your workforce management strategies to all channels. Plan for the future with the ability to deliver for integrated contacts.
How to forecast other channels than pure voice
How you can move beyond only voice as a single forecast channel to chat, email, back office and more
The pitfalls to prepare for when forecasting integrated contact types
How to forecast for each channel, and how to effectively integrate those forecasts
Chris has specialised in WFM for call centres for 20 years, helping organisations of all sizes to up their game with workforce planning. Be it inaccurate forecasts, failing consistently to hit SLA, firefighting on the day, getting poor schedule adherence or just struggling with time-consuming and error-prone manual processes - Chris has seen it and can help find a solution.
Charles has over 20 years experience in Contact Centre operations helping companies of all sizes optimize their workforce. He has served as a executive at several Fortune 500 companies and is an industry expert on WFM.