On-Demand Webinar
The customer's perception of the contact center
Who is responsible for professional development
The prevalent contact center skill sets and roles
The impact of employee engagement on customer service
Chris has specialised in WFM for call centres for 20 years, helping organisations of all sizes to up their game with workforce planning. Be it inaccurate forecasts, failing consistently to hit SLA, firefighting on the day, getting poor schedule adherence or just struggling with time-consuming and error-prone manual processes - Chris has seen it and can help find a solution.
Sean is a Customer Experience and Contact Center expert with over 15 years of industry experience. In that time, Sean has worked in numerous roles in the public, private and government sectors. A leader in the field and innovator in advancing culture and technology in the contact center. Sean has recently been award Top50 Thought leader by ICMI and his team is a past winner of ICMI’s "Global Call Center of the Year" for Small to Medium-Sized Centers.