On-Demand Webinar
In this webinar, Chris Dealy talks to Charles Watson about a range of innovative scheduling and intraday management techniques. Charles will reveal some little-known ways to optimize the balance between the preferences of your agents, the quality of the customer experience and the commercial imperative constantly to do more with less.
Creative scheduling practices from top global companies
How to quantify the impact of business rules that drive scheduling inefficiency
Leveraging scheduling effectiveness to measure and take credit for your success
Chris has specialised in WFM for call centres for 20 years, helping organisations of all sizes to up their game with workforce planning. Be it inaccurate forecasts, failing consistently to hit SLA, firefighting on the day, getting poor schedule adherence or just struggling with time-consuming and error-prone manual processes - Chris has seen it and can help find a solution.
Charles has over 20 years experience in Contact Centre operations helping companies of all sizes optimize their workforce. He has served as a executive at several Fortune 500 companies and is an industry expert on WFM.