On-Demand Webinar
Getting service levels right consistently can be a huge challenge with lots of expectations attached to it.
In this webinar hosted by Peopleware and Fonolo, discover innovative service level management techniques, experiences and best practice from top performing contact center professionals and industry experts.
How to achieve service levels consistently
How to improve service levels with call-back technology
The role of Workforce Management in achieving consistent service levels
Charles has 20+ years experience in Contact Centre operations helping contact centers of all sizes optimize their workforce. He has served as an executive at several Fortune 500 companies and is an industry expert and WFM consultant.
Simon Waldron is a well-established contact center WFM expert with over 15 years of experience. Simon is part of the Customer Experience team for Peopleware, a pioneer and international player in cloud workforce management solutions.
Shai is the Co-Founder and CEO of Fonolo, a leading provider of cloud-based call-back solutions. As an innovator in the space, Shai is on a clear mission to educate the call center industry on how to improve the customer experience.